As You Like It

One of Shakespeare’s most popular pastoral romances, As You Like It is a series of mistaken identities between lovers and friends in the Forest of Arden.

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Mistaken Identity • Love • Pastoral


Productions, Readings & Workshops

As You Like It

July 19 – 26, 2024 | Theatre Space North East | Production | Sunderland, Jarrow & Durham, UK

Play On Podcasts

As You Like It

By William Shakespeare

In a Modern Verse Translation by David Ivers

Directed by Kim Martin-Cotten

Radio Play by Catherine Eaton

Set in Woodstock during the sixties’ “Summer of Love,” David Ivers’ translation of Shakespeare’s As You Like It upends the rules of romance, gender, nature and politics in a tale of life’s joy and confusion.

Paperback & eBooks

As You Like It

By William Shakespeare
Translation by David Ivers

Actor and director David Ivers presents As You Like It, as you'd like to hear it today. ​

Presenting a new translation of Shakespeare into contemporary English, Ivers reimagines Shakespeare's comedy from an actor's point of view. Analyzing the play line by line to uncover the meaning of every joke, pun, and witty aside, Ivers repurposes Shakespeare's language while maintaining an homage to the original rhythm, cadence, and structure. An accomplished actor and director, and a lifelong lover of the Bard, Ivers is the perfect writer to bring As You Like It into the present moment.

Production History

Jun. 15 2019

Play On! Festival NYC

Rehearsal and Staged Reading directed by Rob Salas with full cast as part of the Play On! Translation Festival in NYC.

Produced by:
Play On! / Classic Stage / Oregon Shakespeare Festival

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