Explore NAATCO’s photo gallery of their production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung.

Tag: Romeo and Juliet (page 2)
Two River Theater in Red Bank presents a boldly reimagined ‘Romeo and Juliet’
NJ Arts reviews Two River Theater’s 2023 production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung. Reviewed by Jay Lustig.
“Romeo and Juliet” challenges audience expectations at Two River Theater
Out In Jersey reviews Two River Theater’s (in partnership with NAATCO) production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung. Review written by Allen Neuner.
Modern ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in the round reminds us theater should be fun
A review of Two River Theater & NAATCO’s production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung. Reviewed by Patrick Maley.
Romeo and Juliet
The New Yorker reviews NAATCO’s production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung.
Take a Look at Production Photos of NAATCO’s Romeo and Juliet
Don’t miss this gallery of photos from NAATCO’s production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung!
Review: ROMEO AND JULIET at Two River Theater Brings Captivating Modern Twists to Shakespeare’s Classic
A unique production of Romeo and Juliet is now being presented at Two River Theater (TRT). We are certain you will find the show captivating.
A New Take on Romeo and Juliet
The Two River Times interviews Hansol Jung on her translation of Romeo and Juliet and they discuss its 2023 production at Two River Theater, in partnership with NAATCO.
Two River Theater production experiments with a new approach to ‘Romeo and Juliet’
Read the Two River interview with Artistic Director, Justin Waldman, with a focus on the 2023 production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung.
Romeo & Juliet
August 5 – 6, 13 – 13, 2023 | Chagrin Arts & The City of Solon | Production | Solon, OH, USA