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Modern ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in the round reminds us theater should be fun

A review of Two River Theater & NAATCO's production of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Hansol Jung. Reviewed by Patrick Maley.


Modern ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in the round reminds us theater should be fun

By Patrick Maley | April 20, 2023

Theater should be fun.

High-minded social critique and perhaps soul-wrenching tragedy notwithstanding, we should never forget that this activity we do as a society is quite goofy. We gather in groups to sit in the dark and watch other people traipse across an elevated platform and play pretend. It’s a weird and wonderful thing that we have done as humans consistently for thousands of years, and we should never allow ourselves to forget the sense of mischief and play that gives theater its foundational spirit.