Magic Theatre
Production | San Francisco, CA, USA
August 21 – September 8, 2024
William Shakespeare
In a modern verse
translation by
Naomi Iizuka
Directed by
Dr. Karina Gutierrez
Richard II is Shakespeare’s examination of the destructive powers of privilege. In the second half of the Iizuka Repertory at The Magic, the company from the world premiere of Garuda’s Wing will perform a new, lean production of Iizuka’s Richard II shaped for this company. This will be the first Shakespeare produced by The Magic Theatre in decades and will feature POC, women, and queer folx throughout.

Want to learn more about this translation?
Read about the origins of Naomi Iizuka‘s translation of Richard II, review press articles, find publications and podcasts, and learn more about the artists involved, all in one place!