The Two Noble Kinsmen

An eternal friendship between the kinsmen Palamon and Arcite is shattered instantly when they both fall in love with the Amazon Emilia, daughter of Hippolyta and an Athenian. Despite all the odds against them, especially while on enemy territory, both men devise a way to duel for Emilia’s hand in marriage.

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Love • War • Disguise

Productions, Readings & Workshops

Two Noble Kinsman

April 7 – 15, 2017 | University of Utah | Production | Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Paperback & eBooks

The Two Noble Kinsmen

By William Shakespeare
Translation by Tim Slover

Tim Slover brings fresh clarity to his contemporary version of Shakespeare’s final play. 

Playwright, poet, and novelist Tim Slover presents William Shakespeare’s and John Fletcher’s collaboration, The Two Noble Kinsmen, in a modern translation that retains all the wit, romance, and poetry of the original. For his last play, the Bard pulled out all the stops, creating a tragicomedy of heart’s yearning and deadly rivalry, and peopling it with heroes and heroines out of legend, including two of the greatest—and least known—female roles in the entire canon. Fletcher provided the music and dance. Slover brings it all vividly to life with fresh clarity and fiery passion in this new, contemporary version.

Production History

June 4, 2019

Play On! Festival NYC

Rehearsal and Staged Reading directed by April Cleveland with full cast as part of the Play On! Translation Festival in NYC

Produced by:
Play On! / Classic Stage / Oregon Shakespeare Festival

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