Edward III

With invitations by the Scots and his claim to the French throne, Edward III must carefully assess how to both keep his throne and country while managing his ambitions to take the French crown. Assisted by his son Edward, the Black Prince, will Edward III discover triumph or tragedy?

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War • English Royalty • Family • Politics


An essay from Octavio Solis in Shakespeare and Latinidad, on the Play On Shakespeare translation process:

Productions, Readings & Workshops

Edward III

University of Evansville | Reading | February 12-14, 2021 | Online

Paperback & eBooks

Edward III

By William Shakespeare
Translation by Octavio Solis

Edward III comes to life in a new version by playwright Octavio Solis.

Written after England’s victory over the Spanish Armada in 1588, Edward III follows the exploits of King Edward III and his son Edward, the Black Prince of Wales. England dominates on the battlefield as the play explores questions of kinghood and chivalry through the actions of King Edward and his son. Octavio Solis’s translation of the play provides all of the complexity and richness of the original while renewing the allusions and metaphors lost through time.

Production History

Jun 6, 2019

Play On! Festival NYC

Rehearsal and Staged Reading directed by Lillian Groag with full cast as part of the Play On! Translation Festival in NYC.

Produced by:
Play On! / Classic Stage / Oregon Shakespeare Festival

April 10, 2020

FIRST READS: An Online Educational Series

A livestreamed exploration of Edward III featuring actors from across the country under the direction of Lillian Groag.

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