Ben Pryor
Dramaturg: Winter’s Tale

Ben Pryor is the Provost and CEO of Antioch University Seattle. Before serving as a dramaturge for Play On!, Pryor was a founder and longtime member of the Glacity Theatre Collective in Toledo, Ohio. As an actor with GTC he appeared in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Breathing Corpses, Eurydice, Suburban Motel, All’s Well, Betrayal, Waiting for Godot, Exhibition, Hunting Cockroaches and Circle Mirror Transformation. Pryor joined the GTC for the Toledo Symphony’s production of Stoppard and Previn’s Every Good Boy Deserves Favour at Carnegie Hall in 2011.
Pryor is originally from southern California where he attended the Johnston Center of the University of Redlands where he played Ferdinand in The Tempest. He has worked with the South Coast Repertory Theatre and has appeared in short films and a children’s television production for ABC. Pryor has a Ph.D. in Philosophy.