Andrew Ian Carlson
Dramaturg: Measure for Measure

Andrew is a faculty member in the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Texas at Austin where he teaches courses in dramaturgy, Shakespeare, acting and performance studies and serves as the co-head of the B.A. program. Since 2012, Andrew has also been the managing director of the Oscar G. Brockett Center for Theatre History and Criticism. With the Brockett Center, he has worked on a variety of initiatives such as The American Theatre Archive Project and the American Theatre Magazine’s historical almanac column.
Andrew is co-author of the 11th edition of textbook The Essential Theatre and has published essays in Theatre History Studies, American Theatre Magazine, and the Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy. He has presented scholarship at the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, American Society for Eighteenth Century Research and the Mid-America Theatre Conference.
As a dramaturg and actor, Andrew has worked with the Guthrie Theatre, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, First Folio Theatre, ZACH Theatre, Austin Shakespeare, and Children’s Theatre of Madison. He is also an artistic associate with The Great River Shakespeare Festival where he has worked as an actor for ten seasons. Andrew is an award-winning teacher. In 2016, Dr. Carlson received the Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award and is a 2017 Provost’s Teaching Fellow.