Henry VI – Part I, II, & III
Prague Shakespeare Company
Production | Prague, CZ

July 30, 2022
Translated by
Doug Langworthy
Directed by
Suzanne Dean (HVI, Part I);
Laura Cole (HVI, Part II); Brendon Fox (HVI, Part III)
We are thrilled to be working again with Prague Shakespeare Company. So far, they have produced four translations, including Troilus and Cressida, Richard II, Love’s Labour’s Lost, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This July, they’re taking on the Henry VI trilogy, following the tale of the Wars of the Roses, the history of Henry VI, and—of course—the rise of Richard III to the throne. Much like your favorite summer sports, the Henry VI trilogy is a playing field of capture the crown between team Plantagenet and team York.