November 7 – 14, 2024 | Shakespeare Dallas | Readings | Dallas, TX, USA

Tag: Henry VI Part III
Henry VI – Part I, II, & III
Prague Shakespeare Company | Production | July 30, 2022 | Prague, CZ
YouTube: Shakespeare for a Modern Age: Translating the Bard’s words
In October 2016, actors and directors from the Colorado Shakespeare Festival read through drafts of two newly-translated plays, “Henry VI, Part 2” and “Henry VI, Part 3.” These modern-day translations of the Bard’s timeless words, part of OSF’s Play On! initiative, were done by playwright Douglas Langworthy.
Langworthy on translating Shakespeare: First do no harm
I’ll never forget the first German-language production of Shakespeare I saw – Troilus and Cressida at the Berliner Ensemble in then East Berlin. And while I can’t tell you that much about the design or the actors, I was struck by how clear the language was. You see, in Germany, Shakespeare gets translated once or twice each generation into contemporary language that sits comfortably in the listener’s ear.