Check out Ear Worthy’s review of the Play On Podcasts series, featuring specific reviews for Othello, Romeo and Juliet, and more!

Tag: Love’s Labour’s Lost
Signal Awards Winners!
Play On Podcasts scored big this year!
Your Manchester Ep. 253
On This weeks show, we talk Shakespeare and Lord of The Dance.
It’s live with Belinda Scandal. Carol Ann Whitehead and Paul Rudd
It’s a scorcher.
It’s live with Belinda Scandal. Carol Ann Whitehead and Paul Rudd
It’s a scorcher.
Love’s Labour’s Lost
August 18 – 21, 2022 | Theatre Space North East | Production | Sunniside, Sunderland, UK
Black Women Bring Unique Insight to Shakespeare in “Love’s Labour’s Lost”
When JaMeeka Holloway-Burrell proposed her latest project, “Blk Girls Luv the Bard”—a series of virtual staged readings of Shakespeare cast exclusively with Black women—on social media, she had no trouble finding talent.