Our playwrights took on the challenge of translating Shakespeare’s works into modern verse. Here’s what they have to say.

Tag: Henry IV Part I
Indigenous scholars update language of ‘Henry IV, Part 1’ in new production at Lewis & Clark
The Oregon Public Broadcasting interviews playwright Yvette Nolan and director Waylon Lenk on their work on Henry IV, Part I and their production at Lewis & Clark College.
Henry IV, Pt. 1
November 3-12, 2023 | Lewis and Clark College | Production | Portland, OR, USA
Shakespeare Decoded – “Dramaturgy and Translation as the Gateway to Shakespeare Engagement”
Hosted by Jenni Stewart, Interim Artistic Director of Shakespeare Dallas, this episode explores Dramaturgy and Translation as the Gateway to Shakespeare Engagement with Yvette Nolan, Taylor Bailey and Alex Vermillion of Play On Shakespeare.
Henriad Plays Reading
April 20 – 30, 2023 | Shakespeare Dallas | Readings | Dallas, TX, USA