Miriam A. Laube

Board: Secretary

Miriam A. Laube is a mixed race first generation American actor, producer, and director. She recently directed The Tempest for Santa Cruz Shakespeare. For 16 seasons Miriam was an actor and producer, where she had the honor of working with an extraordinary company of artists. Her favorite roles include Cleopatra, Olivia, Hermione, Rosalind and Julia, The Witch in Into the Woods and Vasantasena in The Clay Cart. She is proud to have originated the roles of Gynecia in Head Over Heels, Maruca in Party People, and Cleo in Family Album. Additionally at OSF, she served as the Associate Director on productions of Oklahoma and Pirates of Penzance. She also served as a Development Consultant at OSF, curating and hosting a bi-weekly interview series. She has worked on Broadway in Bombay Dreams and regionally at Berkeley Rep, Dallas Theater Center, Milwaukee Rep, Baltimore Center Stage, and The Guthrie Theater. She received a Henry Award for Best Supporting Actress for her work in the original production of The Book of Will at the Denver Center. Miriam is honored to be both a Fox Fellow and a Lunt-Fontanne Fellow.

She believes that theater at its best celebrates the human spirit, by creating workplaces and works of art that invite a diversity of voices into the story telling and the story making. This allows a space where one can examine the conflicts of the national dialogue through metaphor, gifting us the ability to hear with fresh ears and see with new eyes points of view and stories that are not our own; which, through the tools of the theater, can reveal or startle or wonder us into a deeper connection to our collective humanity, allowing us to exclaim, “I recognize you in me!”